If you haven't, here is a short video illustrating the process. Begin with the right top one, this will be the "working strand" for that pass. The concept first appeared in Jay Forrester's Industrial Dynamics (1961)[1] and thus it is also known as the Forrester effect. ( preceding it with half hitches between every ball might help to improve it's lengthwise pull tolerance as knots tied in those slick inner strands tend to be a bit slippery ) Then just pull the inner strand out of the cord to get the chain in place and cut the string off. For maximum safety, you should seek … Reply It sums up everything number related :) You will need (Total): - 60m (196 ft.) of paracord - 2m (6.5ft ) of lamp chain Then cut it to the following lengths: For the guts : - x1 2m strand ( 6.5ft ) - x1 1m strand (3.30 ft ) - x1 80cm strand ( 2.6ft ) - x1 50 cm strand (1.6 ft) Along with the corresponding 3 lengths of lamp chain for the shorter strands : - 90cm (2.95ft ) - 60 cm (1.95ft ) - 30 cm (1ft ) The first layer is a 8 strand round plait - 2x 5m -> 4x 2,5 (16.4ft ) - 1X 3m -> 2x 1,5 (9.90 ft) - 1x 4,30m -> 2x 2,15 (14.10 ft ) The outer layer is a 12 strand plait: - 2x 7,30m (24 ft) - 1x 5,50m (18 ft ) - 1x 5m (16.4ft) - 1x 4,30m (14.10ft ) - 1x 3m (9.90 ft ) The formulas for the various plaits: 12 strand: Under 3 Over 3 10 strand: Under 3 Over 2 8 strand: Under 2 Over 2 6 strand: Under 2 Over 1 4 strand: Under 1 Over 1. This also leads to a low utilization of the distribution channel. You already guess what goes in this step. I will probably soon make a few other Instructables on the advanced knots if you lack inspiration. And maybe even longer someday. I also suggest to think in advance of a way of storing the leftover inner strands for later use if you don't want to end up with 7times more of an inner strand spaghetti meal than what you began with :). The tighter the better also. From there, follow the pictures to lay them out properly : - Using a first pair ( again, which strands doesn't matter), cross them in front of the handle as pictured. Remove the tape. I wouldn't recommend this as a beginner project though. The OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon is a mobile suit first featured in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The bullwhip effect is a distribution channel phenomenon in which demand forecasts yield supply chain inefficiencies. Thanks :)Seeing all those pictures makes me wish i had much more time to try out all those color variations. Mr. 9 is the code name of a former Frontier Agent and bounty hunter of Baroque Works, and Miss Wednesday's former assigned partner during her infiltration.1 Due to his actions, he is one of the main antagonists of the Reverse Mountain Arc, and a supporting antagonist in the Whisky Peak Arc. It refers to increasing swings in inventory in response to shifts in consumer demand as one moves further up the supply chain. Let me know if you think making a hammock, net or bag out of them would be an interesting Instructable :). Sort by. The bullwhip effect is a distribution channel phenomenon in which demand forecasts yield supply chain inefficiencies. 9 years ago 9 years ago The chain whip is one of the flexible weapons of Chinese kung fu. - Pull the working strand under the first two, and over the last two ( no inversion in this step ) - Lay it on the left side - The working strand ends lined up with the remaining 3 strands of the left side. Railroad Rail Lantern / Sign Stand Split With Axe. Don't go all the way up, just cover a few inches before and after the knot. Only the first three of the list are really mandatory if all you need is a working whip. thanks for sharing the pictures :), https://sites.google.com/site/newknoticalarts/tutorials/star-knot, DIY Composite Layup and Vacuum Bagging - Making a Carbon Fiber RipSurf for Braille Skateboarding. Hi CH5Here are a couple of photos. 7–7. Scrunchy sound socks. There are a lot of great ressources about that on the Internet. Each section is 3 1/2" with an overall length of approximately 56". remember to keep things tight and even. I am contemplating doing a knot on the end of the handle but having tied it in larger rope the thought of doing it in paracord is giving me the willies. - Put the loop you just frmed around the end of your whip. Mix cake mix, pudding, oil, water and rum. This is a throw away part of your whip as it will wear with use. On the bullwhip avoidance phase: supply chain collaboration and order smoothing. Instead, I suggest that you first plait 4 "passes" ( 2 right, 2 left), then hold on tight on both sides and tighten the last lines one by one , beginning with the top ones and alternating sides. In manufacturing, this concept is called kanban. I was unable to find a homepage or anything that links directly to his work to give him proper credit though. I used some thin duct tape that i had laying around at the momment and the result felt pretty limp to me at this point. I'd like to thank "Bullwhipcracker" for his nice info about whip making that served as an inspiration for this project and saved me some headaches about figuring out the correct lengths for the different steps. Nine Section Whip Chain Made of Lightweight Steel. Chen, Y. F., Z. Drezner, J. K. Ryan and D. Simchi-Levi (2000), Quantifying the Bullwhip Effect in a Simple Supply Chain: The Impact of Forecasting, Lead Times and Information. - Then, push the 2 bottom strands of the same side up, close to the top strand - You end up grasping 3 strands :the top one+ the 2 bottom ones. From now your gutted paracord will tend to lay flat. Don't forget to melt the ends before going on. Fell free to decorate it with all your favorite knots or any other skills. Don't make it tight yet. Cut the remaining 2 at 10cm(0.30 ft) and 15-20cm (0.5-0.65 ft ) Continue the 8 plait over these. The impact of the bullwhip effect has been especially acute at the beginning stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, when sudden spikes in demand for everything from medical supplies such as masks or ventilators[10] to consumer items such as toilet paper or eggs created feedback loops of panic buying, hoarding, and rationing. Take great care to keep the inner strands untangled to get an even surface. So far I’ve made the medium and extra small but I can’t get the number of bobbles into the chain as the pattern says. I have thoughts but I'd rather not plait for hours and come up short, and I don't want to have 10 ft extra that I'm working with on each side. For this first step, you will need your first 4 strands of paracord and the 3 corresponding lengths of lamp chain: Paracord: - x1 2m strand (6.55 ft ) - x1 1m strand (3.30 ft ) - x1 80cm strand (2.60ft ) - x1 50 cm strand (1.60ft ) Chain: - 90cm (3 ft ) - 60 cm (2 ft ) - 30 cm (1 ft ) You will remove the inner strands from the 3 shortest pieces... but wait ! Reply That way you'll be able to tie the strands efficiently here and only have a minimal thickness change. - A file or some kind of grinder or Dremel tool to cut grooves in the "handle" - A spot to tie the whip to while you're plaiting ( holding it between my knees worked well in my case ) you could also use a lightly tightened vice. Youth Wushu Chain Whip - 9 Section. Previous control-theoretic models have identified as causes the tradeoff between stationary and dynamic performance[4] as well as the use of independent controllers. In periods of falling demand, orders fall or stop, thereby not reducing inventory. Inventory Management in Supply Networks—Problems, Models, Solutions, Norderstedt:Books on Demand. 7 Section Chain Whip: 46" long (13 oz) 9 Section Chain Whip: 56" long (16 oz) Perfect for Disarming, Choking, and Tripping; Due to the extreme risk of injury when practicing this weapon, please practice with caution. For example, on the extra small beard, you have it written to chain 5 and skip 7 stitches. We will be making a 2.50m ( ~8.2ft) whip, from handle tip to fall, not including the cracker. I however do plan on doing a few other Instructables on that topic if people are interested in it. Do this as tight as you can get it, you don't want your whip to break there. Melmetal is a large, silver Pokémon with a humanoid build that consists mostly of liquid metal. ), put a small groove near the tip of the nail. Thanks for your comments :)I'm glad you enjoyed it.Any pics ? It should not be that hard for those of you who know their way through ropes, knots and braiding. Because forecast errors are given, companies often carry an inventory buffer called "safety stock". It would be very hard to plait it tight right as you do it. - Pull the working strand under the first two, and over the last two - Lay it on the right side - The working strand ends lined up with the remaining 3 strands of the right side. Make sure all the lengths are even on both sides while you still can :) ( For the sake of simplicity i'm not showing the actual whip here but a "model" of it using 2 different colors. As I said in the introduction, this project will also require you to know and master a few knots, both for practical and decorative purposes. by Zhang Yi Rong. On the bullwhip and inventory variance produced by an ordering policy. on Introduction. Tempelmeier, H. (2006). When making the round turns, let the inner loop be out for a few turns every now and then. The last thing we will need to make things fully functional is the cracker. ¾ fill a small water bottle or plastic jar with water and add 2-3 handfuls of glitter. [12] It has been proved that order smoothing is beneficial for the system's performance when the demand is stationary. Ok, so here i'll sum up all of the various lengths you will need. What you're looking for, is this part of the whip to stand up straight when held vertically ( = not bending at a wild angle under the whips own weight ). Originally piloted by Heero Yuy, it was later given to Zechs Merquise. plaiting wise! First , get/cut your strands for this layer : - 2x 7,30m - 1x 5,50m - 1x 5m - 1x 4,30m - 1x 3m Once again, take the inner strands out and fold your gutted paracord in half . Weight of Whip is Approx 676 grams. He is currently married to Miss Monday. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constrictor_knot) - The star knot ( makes a wonderfull handle knob) Best explained here : https://sites.google.com/site/newknoticalarts/tutorials/star-knot - The matthew walker knot ( holds well as a final knot around the handle) ( Sorry, I couldn't find any really clear tutorial to share on this one ) - The turk's head if you want to mark the end of the handle. Management Science, 43 (4), 546–558. Top reviews. Consisting of nine metal segments linked together, and with a cushioned grip handle to prevent slipping, our authentic chain whips total approximately 58 inches in length. Rationing and gaming generate inconsistencies in the ordering information that is being received. A wide variety of nine section chain whip options are available to you, such as kung fu. Wushu Chain Whip has 9 link section between the handle and the dart. I diddn't since the whippings were going to hold well anyway. Price fluctuations as a result of inflationary factors, quantity discounts, or sales tend to stimulate customers to buy larger quantities than they require. The causes can further be divided into behavioral and operational causes. - Take the working strand - Pass it around the back so it gets to the left side - On this side you have your 4 left strands. But it would be sad not to wrap things up in your favorite fancy knots. For the 8 plait it is under 2 over 2. To make sure your whip will have consistent behaviour when bent in all directions, you should then twist the strands together. - Now work with the opposite side's top strand as you would if the drop did not occur. The result was well worth it, this thing cracks loudly and easily as expected and it ended up being a very rewarding project. The formula for the 10 plait is under 3, over 2. Rationing and gaming is when a retailer tries to limit order quantities by providing only a percentage of the order placed by the buyer. The 2-4 bottom ones may not stay very tight but that's ok: after the 4 next "passes" they'll become the top ones and get tightened as desired. 6 years ago The wushu chain whip is thinner and lighter, allowing it to move faster with less chance of injury. In periods of rising demand, down-stream participants increase orders. started yesterday and only put around 5 and a half hours into it. A summary of Part X (Section7) in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. 6.5 oz. In addition to the (financially) hard measurable consequences of poor customer services and the damage to public image and loyalty, an organization has to cope with the ramifications of failed fulfillment which may include contractual penalties. At this point the whole thing should start to resemble a real whip and behave like one. Even so, the modern Wushu Kung Fu practitioners these days do some amazing feats as do the Shaolin Temple Monks. You will have to perform the 2 strands drop routine again at the next spot where the whip gets thinner . 9 Section Whip Chain. Many dark-gray hexagonal nuts are embedded in or attached to its body: one around each shoulder, one around the center of each arm, one in each hand, one in each foot, and a small light grey one in the center of its torso. The missus and I went into the back garden and were breaking the sound barrier within minutes. 5 years ago. Great for beginners, kids or wushu practitioners. You will need: For the guts : - x1 2m strand ( 6.5ft ) - x1 1m strand (3.30 ft ) - x1 80cm strand ( 2.6ft ) - x1 50 cm strand (1.6 ft) along with the corresponding 3 lengths of lamp chain for the shorter ones : - 90cm (2.95ft ) - 60 cm (1.95ft ) - 30 cm (1ft ) The first layer wil be a 8 strand round plait ( 4 strands folded in half will make it neater ) - 2x 5m -> 4x 2,5 (16.4ft ) - 1X 3m -> 2x 1,5 (9.90 ft) - 1x 4,30m -> 2x 2,15 (14.10 ft ) The outer layer will be a 12 strand plait ( again, 6 strands folded in half ) - 2x 7,30m (24 ft) - 1x 5,50m (18 ft ) - 1x 5m (16.4ft) - 1x 4,30m (14.10ft ) - 1x 3m (9.90 ft ) Please note that this is not an exact science. Forecasts are based on statistics, and they are rarely perfectly accurate. just finished my second. - Any kind of multi-strand knot you know and would like to use as a decoration on the handle ( crown knot wrappings, half hitch coverings, various round braids..). -Wushu designated 9 section whip chain 6.3 oz. When you reach one of the points where the whip gets thinner, you'll need to cleanly "drop" two of your working strands so the number of them remains adequate to the thickness. Instead, they read the increase in sales as an indication of growing demand for green cars and ramped up production.[3]. Being paranoïd, I also whipped mine once above and twice below the main whipping to be sure it wouldn't come apart. Human Factors in Supply Chain Management. (2003). Now the actual plaiting. - The formula changes now : form "under 2, over 2 ", it becomes "under 2 , over 1 " Make sur you "trap" the dropped strand agaisnt the core with the working one. When they start crawling they will love chasing it across the room. You can run it once or twice around a soft round spot to make it even if you want. Try to keep them in a round section as much as possible. - Then, thread the second pair through the loop and lay it as in the third picture. Regarded by some as one of the primary weapons of China, small enough to easily conceal but deadly when unleashed. It's the part of the whip that makes the actual noise. Better information leads to better inventory positioning and lower costs throughout the supply chain. I'll remind them in the revelant steps so you don't need to take notes for now. Or you might just cut another piece of paracord and start over. Disney, S.M., and Towill, D.R. I've been enjoying this site for long and have finally found enough time to write a first Instructable by myself. Important: This item can not be shipped to states of California, Massachusetts, and New York or Canada. Clearly the weight and size has decreased relative to modern reproduction and use. Figured I'd share.I didn't have much luck with the knot you used to secure the cracker, so I made up my own. As you reach the thinning spot, two of your strands will be close to running out as you'll probably have only a few inches left on them( 10-15 cm or so (0.5 ft )). Management Science, 46, 436–443. ( if it ends up on top right now,this means you began your drop one pass to late and should have beginned dropping on the other side). The more members in the chain, the less these forecast updates reflect actual demand from end customers. Nine Section Chain Whip Description. Plait the 4 strand plait up to the point where the core becomes the single unwrapped paracord strand. Search. If you've ever made your own twisted rope, you know how to do this properly. Both strands will remain hidden under the plait. You will also need to know ( or be willing to learn) some 'advanced' knots to make it look nice, and I won't cover that lengthly point in this Instructable since there is already a lot of resources on that topic on the Net. Comes with a black carrying pouch. This sequence of events is well simulated by the beer distribution game which was developed by MIT Sloan School of Management in the 1960s. Basically, you twist every strand a bit in one direction and then lay it against the others wrapping it in the opposite direction. 2 years ago. Hey question how many strands of the paracord do I need to gut? Another recommended strategy to limit the bullwhip effect is order smoothing. Add to Wish List. Then put it's end through the loop of your fall, tighten the loop, and pull on the fall so it goes inside the knots, altogether with your last strand. Ok, now go outside for a test run of your new toy. To make it : - Take an arm length piece of your string - Fold it in half, then twist the two strands together as you did when making the guts. Regarded by some as one of the primary weapons of China, small enough to easily conceal but deadly when unleashed. Thank you, Reply Awesome ! Information distortion in a supply chain: the bullwhip effect. While successful in generating the desired market pull, manufacturing did not know about the promotional plans. The effect is that variations are amplified as one moves upstream in the supply chain (further from the customer). This is by far one of the best instructions I've read. Glitter bottle snow globe. Comes Complete With Free Carry Case. Work from the middle to get your 12 strands. Bray, Robert L., and Haim Mendelson. In spite of having safety stocks there is still the hazard of stock-outs which result in poor customer service and lost sales. Maybe I will just polish the screw head and call it a day as it does look nice and works very well.thanks again Martin. At this point you probably got the trick, that's all there is to it: - You take one sides' top strand, - make it travel around the back , - under 2-over2 on the opposite side - lay it at the bottom of it's beginning side. Biology. To finish off I screwed a round head brass head screw up the center of the rod. Suffering a glut in green cars, sales and marketing developed a program to sell the excess inventory. 9. Then to the 4 plait ( under 1 over 1) when to the end of the lone inner cord. This step is an easy one as well and should produce a seamless transition from 8 to 6 strand-plait. Otherwise the combined friction of all those turns wouldn't allow you to pull the loop inside the knot at the end. See All Buying Options. Management Science 58.5 (2012): 860–875. Selwyn, B.