He is one of the strongest epics in the game fighting for a top 5 spot! Nah, u haven’t seen the ? These champions plays the role of supporting the squishy champions that focuses on ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG. Big difference. Speed is very important here to allow your champions to go twice of the enemy 1 turn to nuke them quickly. Raid Shadow Legends Stag Knight Champion Guide by ASH, Raid Shadow Legends Stag Knight Champion Guide by Chronus Fallz, Raid Shadow Legends Stag Knight Champion Guide by LokiMagics, Raid Shadow Legends Stag Knight Champion Guide by Chofly, Raid Shadow Legends Stag Knight Champion Guide by StewGaming, Raid Shadow Legends Stag Knight Champion Guide by Verdy Gaming, Your email address will not be published. Who this warrior was or what his purpose could be, they did not know. 1 ★★★★★ Legendary 2 ★★★★ Epic 3 ★★★ Rare 4 ★★ Uncommon 5 ★ Common It was then he earned the nickname âStag Knightâ from some of his closest comrades, and it was then he learned to the ropes of leadership and strategizing. As my party is small and I’m a low investment f2p, I can’t at the moment justify the booking investment in stag Knight, but I would love to have him equipped, booked and fully dedicated to my arena team. View the highest ranking champions in each area of the game, guides and builds. Or, if they’re equal, which one would you run? The biggest advantage of tayrel is being def based and, for cb, having the much needed atk debuff on A1. Accuracy is also very important for debuffer champions to Decrease Defense and Decrease Attack. Fire Knight's Castle Relentless 4 18% chance to get Extra Turn Taunting 4 30% chance to place Provoke debuff Ice Golem's Peak Savage 4 Ignores 25% of enemy DEF Fire Knight's Castle Cruel 2 ATK +15%. For high level content. Before the Stag Knight realized what was happening, a woman of cold unearthly beauty, clad in glimmering armour appeared before him. You’ll have a set that works for both arena and dungeons/clan boss, Ayumi, where do you find the lore which is posted on here? Allies whose buffs are broken will also counterattack the enemy that breaks the . Which do you think is better for CB, Tayrel or Stag Knight? You can get to choose him while starting the game and trust me you won’t regret if you choose Kael as your starter champion because he is good at champaign farming and clan bosses. Also he outperform Doompriest and Golden Reaper (both 5* and full ascended)? Leave a comment on the article if you spot mistakes or would like to share some info not shown here or notify if guide is outdated or missing something! Each hit has a 30% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns. Lead the Pack [Passive] Places a 50% [Increase ACC] buff on an ally for 1 turn each time the ally has a debuff resisted by an enemy. Anyone know why this happens? He also brings defense down which increases that damage. Ignores 5% of enemy DEF Immortal 2 HP +15%. wanted to make some lore videos for my channel . stag-knight-icon.png caballero cerval: thumb-bone-knight.png Caballero de hueso: Knight-Errant-icon.png Caballero errante: thumb-black-knight.png caballero negro: Corpulent Cadaver-icon.jpg Cadaver corpulento: Gator-icon.png Caimán: skullsworn-icon.png calavera: Dunestrider-icon.png Caminante de dunas: thumb-bogwalker.png Caminante de pantanos Offfense, Defense and Support. All other in-app purchases also work. Do I have to build the Stag Knight with 0 ATK even if he uses a lifesteal set and all of his attacks scale with ATK? I love your site! Spoiled by riches and sheltered from the woes of the world, he spent his youth jousting, hunting, and feasting away in the company of his peers. I’ll test him out in Fire Knight 20 once I get him to Level 60. Should I use him as a book? Best team for Fire Knight. The passive, at least with someone who does increase buff durations and/or lasting gifts, is helpful and gives him the edge over Tyrael in Clanboss. But the bloody spectacle Guarin planned was never to take place, for there were other forces at play. The problem with his passive is that it only lasts one turn and you only get it after using your debuff ability and most debuf abilitys have a cd and till its up again the buff already decayed. During this window of opportunity, other ally champions can inflict other debuffs or heal allies who are critically injured. Thus improving the survivability of the overall team. Seems to me like his damage is too low to benefit much from lifesteal consider the fact it needs 4 artifacts. Hey thanks for compiling this. This is helpful. @Totoro: Could you kindly elaborate more on how and where does Stag Knight outperforms Doompriest and Golden Reaper? The more champions you have, the more choice of champions you can use to your advantage based on the scenario at hand. Gearing in RAID: Shadow Legends can be both fun and dreadful. @Minack: As Karasuramen responded, supporter can’t do much damage on their own with their base ATK stats. If you could give me a bit of advice, I would really appreciate it. @matthias: I haven’t tested Stag Knight thoroughly yet as I’m currently working on 6 starring Frozen Banshee for Nightmare Clan Boss and fusing the Cillian the Lucky Legendary champion. Without any hesitation, the Knight accepted. Each hit has an 80% chance pf placing a 5% [Poison] debuff for 2 turns if the target is under a [Poison Sensitivity] debuff. @Jbbradshaw36: I will still use Stag Knight even if I have Tayrel and Madame Serris. In the days that followed, news of the Kingâs death spread through Kaerok like wildfire. I didn’t know that was a thing until I did a little research. Alas, an attempt to reason with Guarin saw the Stag Knight accused of high treason and thrown into the dungeons of Kaerok Castle, there to await his own execution alongside his uncle. Here is an excellent team for beating Fire Knight’s castle. For them to have displayed valour and skill sufficient to catch the Arbiterâs eye is not uncommon, yet there is an air of mystery about the Stag Knight that makes an assumption such as this seem far too convenient and mundane. Far from a mere wandering paladin, he was once the younger brother to King Guarin, known as the ‘Bloody’ to scholars of Teleria. Frozen Banshee’s Skills. The RAID: Shadow Legends cheats in this article is the best way to get all in-app purchases for free. If you have sufficient Epic Skill Tomes, I would go with Stag Knight to level up his A2 skill for the Decrease Defense and Decrease Attack as its vital to improve the damage towards the Clan Boss as well as improving survivability with the Decrease Attack. @Thuul: Stag Knight is usable for Clan Boss. Kael is one of the most popular starter champions.