Im tellin ya, even with spell check its not easy. Artificial Insemination (AI) A process in which semen from a male llama is manually placed in the cervix or uterus of a female llama by a person. By the end of the last ice-age (10,000 12,000 years ago) camelids were extinct in North America. dunno). (LogOut/ Somewhere in history, I'm sure the Spanish "yama" somehow became the English "lama" for the animal. It's pronounced sort of like HL, but not really. The llama (; Spanish pronunciation: [ama]) (Lama glama) is a domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era. The main difference between Llama and Lama is that the Llama is a species of mammal and Lama is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. Just then a squirrel trespassed into the house, saw some apples, and had an accident right there on the floor (excuse me, flaw). Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Id let ya slide on using that second L., That guy from the Ark you were talking about was banished by Noah to Rhode Islandwhy, you say? It is the only common English word that begins with a double l. Definition of llama: A llama is a South American mammal. ANY boy and/or girl double L names would be of great help! Besides llamas, Irineo and Marta maintain some 60 small sheep, a kitten and two black shepherd dogs. Alpacas and llamas abound, as do viscachas (large rabbits) and water birds such as ducks, flamingos and weighty gulls. We talk constantly about her llamas Somewhere in history, I'm sure the Spanish "yama" somehow became the English "lama" for the animal. ADVERTISEMENT. A 2 syllables noun and 5 letters with the letters a, l, and m, 3 consonants, 2 vowels and 2 syllables with the middle letter a. Llama starts with a consonant and ends with a vowel with the starting letters l, ll, lla, llam, and the ending characters are a, ma, ama, lama, . Llamas and alpacas have been used by humans for transportation and fleece production for a few thousand years. My name is danielle, his William, and our 7year old (technically my step daughter) is Isabella. "Llama" has two "l"s (els) because English speakers borrowed the name of that South American ruminant from Spanish. Do you think you can properly spell all these words? The llama (/ l m /; Spanish pronunciation: ) (Lama glama) is a domesticated South American camelid, widely used as a meat and pack animal by Andean cultures since the Pre-Columbian era.. Llamas are very social animals and live with others as a herd.Their wool is very soft and lanolin-free.Llamas can learn simple tasks after a few repetitions. Do you have kids or students who want to learn how to type? Both of them are just two completely unrelated terms borrowed from other languages which is why their spelling is different. Which may be a reason he only used one L in his name rather than be mistaken for a real Llama. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. zucchini pizza dribbling with glittery buttered additions which did not flatter my middle. I was in tatters, and I felt that I was just assassinated as to what had just occurred. "Lloyd" apparently is derived form an old Welsh word. On top of that he never even resembled a freakin Llama. Or.if your a Roman soldier trying to nab a suspect. This is the way ll is pronounced in Spain, parts of Mexico, and most of Central and South America.. Llamas are neutral mobs that can be tamed and used to transport large shipments of items. I grew up in Wales, but you never heard anyone pronouncing Lloyd the Welsh way, even if they pronounced awkward things like Llanelli perfectly. Because he talked too quickly, said everything in one breath, said all those words ending in a as er; and all those words ending in er as ah. Noah had had enough, Thats why Dr. Seuss changed his first name to doctor, because all his friends used to call him Hey! (he went to Salve Regina College by the way), But lets have fun with some double-lettered words. A esa conciencia se le llama alas benditas ya que acelera la evolucin. ), I noticed my wife (who used to be a majorette, why thats importantI dont know) had scribbled on the wall that she wanted someone more affluent and terrific. Hey buddy, you over there with the thorns and white robe.whats your name?, Okthanks. Such a consciousness is called blessed wings, for it accelerates one's evolution. ). Try the quiz to find out! But it gets even worse. The woolly native of the Andes that we call a llama (LAH-mah) in English is called a llama (YAH-mah) in Spanish, and the word is pronounced just like the llama in Cmo se llama?. Like whats with that? A. Applause DOC Click here for my daily blog. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Home Q&A why does llama mean name . Come on Claudius, thats not the guy..his name is hey-zeus and were lookin for some guy named Jesus.. There's a reason why people say English is a difficult language to learn. Double L, Triple L, Some words that are just long strings of L's, I like the low-key let-me-google-that-for-you ;), Lloyd comes from a Welsh word that meant "Grey/Brown". why? We all have double L. I am very concerned with helping Isabella feeling very much a part of this process and us all feeling connected as a blended family, so that's why we chose this. (LogOut/ What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but not once in a thousand years? Why? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Llama. Why the hell do we need a second A in Aardvark? In Spanish, the double "l" is pronounced the way English speakers would pronounce the "y" in "yard." I was addicted to themand yes, my marriage was affected by all thisbecause as I collapsed in my slippers on the sofah with my soder made in Cuber (or was it Jamaicer? With thousands more domesticated and wild animal lists planned, our goal is to become the most comprehensive and thoroughly researched animal resource on the planet. Great story, huh? If they wanted it pronounced the way its supposed to be pronounced they should have spelled it saaaaaaaave. Take a few damn Aextra letters from those aardvarks and spell it right. ya say it, L-Lama? Couldnt they have found another word for condom rather than have it so closely related to living in a condo or condominium? This hot babe I hooked up with just cant get enough of me, so rather than be unprepared, I just live in my condom., My last and final difficulty with the spelling and pronunciation of words today is with the name Jesus., Now folks, if your name is Jesus, as far as Im concerned it should be pronounced, gee-sus. Not hey-zeus. Ive watched The Ten Commandments, The Robe, The Greatest Story Ever Told, and all those biblical stories and not once..not once.did I ever hear anybody call Jesus, hey-zeus.. Geez. Spelling of llama: llama is spelled l-l-a-m-a. Llama is You know why its so damn hard to write a blog some days without spell check. I'm guessing their language has something like the double-L, too. Below youll discover the complete list of animal names our researchers have written about so far. Which may be a reason he only used one L in his name rather than be mistaken for a real Llama. Well, "llama" seems to be of Spanish origin. I mean, you dont walk up to somebody and say, Hey, wanna sing a few P-salams with me. See what I mean. The letters LL is actually a digraph and pronounced by sticking your tongue out and saying h. It's also where we get the name Floyd, because that's the Anglicized pronunciation of Lloyd. I got myself a nice good-sized condom with plenty of room Harry., Nope, I mean condom Harry. It is interactive, fun, free and easy-to-use for kids; the system is complete with animated animal characters, graphics and sounds. The complexity of the fence depends on your situation; for example, the number of llamas and how important it is to keep them separate. 0. votes. How about Psalm. A esto se le llama la Cadena Dorada. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! In English, the double "l" at the beginning of a word like "llama" is pronounced just as if it were a single "l." Just screws up your whole day if your writing a blog as I do. In Spanish, the double-L exists, and typically is sounded out like the letter "y". Llama (qumica) - Cuando se produce la combustin de un elemento inflamable en una atmsfera rica en oxgeno, se observa una emisin de luz, que puede llegar a ser intensa, denominada llama. Heres another one that drives me nuts. Change). in asking the question "what is your name in spanish" you say "como se llama" but I looked up llama in spanish and it means amimal, Why would you not say como se nombre? Theres absolutely no reason to waste a good letter L when you spell Llama. source: I googled the etymologies of the two words. Why you really need to get the second dose of a two-shot vaccine NBC News Police official: Chauvin trained to avoid neck pressure Associated Press Just as you learned in your beginner course or textbook, ll most often sounds like the English letter y as in the words yellow and yes. Start studying Llama. But hey! Fernando Lamas never spelled his name with a second L for cripes sake. As far as Im concerned its spelled wrong in the first place. With so many words with repetitive consonants or unneeded vowels, it's no wonder most of us need to turn on our spellchecks. Why the hell waste a good letter L when its not being used. I dont even know how it ends, but it is deserving of widespread attention and applause, doencha think? Its pronounced save which to me is save like in saving money. It has a long neck and small head and is related to the camel. Remove ads SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate. Its not a damn A Vark is a freakin R Vark and should be spelled, RRRdvark or Aredvark. Did anybody ever think of asking an aardvark how the hell he spells his own name. Because who ever devised the English language was a freakin nutcase with a perverted sense of humor who most likely was a stow-a-way on Noahs Ark and when he got caught, Noah gave him the job of naming the animals before they hit port and everybody scattered to the nearest bar. (LogOut/ Both species are primarily found in Peru and Bolivia and are part of the camel family, Camelidae. Snyder decided to morph the pop culture reference into a historical one and name the llama Cusco, after the Peruvian city (also spelled Cuzco) that was the capital of the Inca Empire. Hmmmm..most likely if they had actually called him hey-zeus he might not have been caught. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It sounds similar to an engine trying to start or a turkey call or some combination of the two. Case in point. Fernando Lamas never spelled his name with a second L for cripes sake. because the word Llama was invented in south america, in Chile if Im not wrong, and in spanish it's pronunced "yama" and as many of u know in spanish LL = Y, hope its clear 4 ya. A sound which llamas, usually the males, make when they feel that the herd is threatened in some way. Llamas de la Ribera - Llamas de la Ribera es un municipio y localidad de Espaa, en la provincia de Len, comunidad autnoma de Castilla y Len. In Welsh, ll is a separate digraph letter from l (e.g., lwc sorts before llaw). Llama definition is - any of a genus (Lama) of wild or domesticated, long-necked, South American ruminant mammals related to the camels but smaller and without a hump; especially : a domesticated llama (L. glama) descended from the guanaco and used Look. Why Is Llama Spelled With Two Ls and OtherStuff. because llamas make everything better. What the hell, is with that? Llamas migrated to South America and Asia about 3 million years ago. Llama is just the Quechua word for Llama. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, See more posts like this in r/NoStupidQuestions, Press J to jump to the feed. The llama (Lama glama) is a large camelid that originated in North America about 40 million years ago. Well, "llama" seems to be of Spanish origin. Yeah, I know, condominium too. Ll is common in Welsh, you see it in a lot of placenames as Llan is the Welsh for church. Important News You May Have Missed This Week Because You Were GoofingOff. Are there other words that start with two "L's"? It is a consonant in Welsh, yes. (LogOut/ The other day, I got off the commuter train into a blizzard, passed by but then reentered a restaurant, and bought a terrible (or was it horrific?) When you are first learning to speak and read Spanish, this is the easiest pronunciation to use. There's no real equivalent in English. 1 Spawning 2 Drops 3 Usage 3.1 Leading 3.2 Storage 3.3 Decoration 4 Behavior 4.1 Spitting 4.2 Taming 4.3 Breeding 4.4 Food 5 Sounds 6 Data values 6.1 ID 6.2 Entity data 7 Achievements 8 Advancements 9 History 10 Issues 11 Trivia 12 Gallery 12.1 Screenshots 12.2 In Other Media 13 References Llamas This had a deepening effect on my psyche (or is it spelled siekey? I'm guessing their language has something like the double-L, too. Ill tell ya why. Besides llamas, Irineo and Marta maintain some 60 small sheep, a kitten and two black shepherd dogs. Alpacas and llamas abound, as do viscachas (large rabbits) and water birds such as ducks, flamingos and weighty gulls. We talk constantly about her llamas The race and Hispanic origin distribution of the people with the name LLAMA is 22.0% White, 78.0% Hispanic origin, 0.0% Black, 0.0% Asian or Pacific Islander, 0.0% Two or More Races, and 0.0% American Indian or Alaskan Native. A fairly common one. On top of that he never even resembled a freakin Llama. For instance, salve. You know, that gooey ointment stuff people use. As she went down the hall and corridor to the front door, she replied that this was no accident, that I could have had some of her porridge. Proper fencing is also necessary, to keep llamas in and (preferably) dogs out. See what misspelled and mispronounced words can do. In Spanish, the double-L exists, and typically is sounded out like the letter "y". All those extra unneeded letters that could have been used somewhere else instead of confusing the hell outta us. This sound is very common in place names in Wales because it occurs in the word Llan, for example, Llanelli, where the ll appears twice, or Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, where the ll appears three times. Lloyd is a Welsh name.