Aquastat Temperature Control - The boiler aquastat controls the temperature of the water inside the boiler jacket. For combi boilers, the recommended output temperature for the radiators is 75 °C and for the water it’s 60 °C. Adjust it to 180. Pre-heating the feed water to achieve an ideal boiler feed water temperature will allow the boiler to run most efficiently as the heat input required to raise the temperature of the water up is reduced. I have a Peerless boiler (oil) and it has several knobs on it. Your boiler is a block of iron that wants to remain warmer than the spent flue gasses (140F for gas, maybe 130F for oil). 3. If the boiler temp gauge reads HIGHER than the aquastat setting, the 'bulb' may not be fully inserted into the immersion well. I have adjusted the aquastat on my water tank every way and I can hear it activating a relay in my Tyco relay control. The boiler aquastat is a device to a boiler like a thermostat is to an air conditioner, heat pump, or gas/oil furnace. 5. Check the pressure gauge. Temperature expectations for your boiler. If you set your boiler operating temperature below that for extended periods the flue gasses will condense, form acidic deposits and eat the boiler. set your boiler temperature to 65°C in summer (between medium and low) and adjust down if your water feels too hot. The temp gauge is inaccurate. For more information about boiler maintenance and repairs, contact out specialists at Design Air Inc. If you have children, being able to control the hot water temperature is essential, as you can prevent scalding hot water from reaching the taps. Let's call it 140 to be safe. There should be a gray colored box inside this box is the temperature adjustment for the boiler. 4. Your boiler must be at the correct pressure for the hot water to circulate properly between the radiators, especially if they are on different floors.Generally, the ideal pressure is between 1 and 2 bars, but this may vary from boiler to boiler.Ask your heating engineer. This is a good boiler set … Once you have the cover off you will see a dial with temperature settings on it. We’ll take a look at actual boiler water temperature and why overheating will lead to repairs on your boiler in Pomona, NY. My water is too hot for the kiddos (140°F) and I can't lower it. Most modern boilers will have a digital dial that allows you to set the output temperature. I have a superstor indirect water heater from 1992 paired up with a oil fired CarlinPro burner with a closed loop forced hot water system going to my baseboards. I tried adjusting them once to the temperature I wanted, but I got water that just went back and forth from warm to cold to luke warm again in the shower, so obviously I'm doing something wrong. Boiler Temperature Set Points For Residential Baseboard Water Heat Discussion in 'The BS Topic' started by danbrennan, Feb 3, 2019. The average setting for a gas-powered hot water boiler is 180°F. Page 1 of 2 1 2 ... You definitely should have a difference in temp from water leaving the boiler, and water returning. 2. They BOTH are inaccurate. If the aquastat does not agree with the temperature gauge... 1. A quick look at the pressure gauge is enough to check your boiler’s pressure. HOW TO ADJUST YOUR BOILER FEED WATER TEMPERATURE. Its usually to the left side middle of the box. Hello, It will be my pleasure to assist you. The aquastat is inaccurate. Different areas of the boiler may be at different temperatures. It can also provide a boost in cold weather if your hot water is not quite hot enough.