The Brahmans in India were divided into two major geographical groups namely Gowd Brahman who lived to the north of the Vindhyas and Dravid Brahmans living south of Vindhyas. Pancha-Gauda Saraswata. Brahmins in India. The Saraswat Brahmins had to maintain a very tight hold on their culture to maintain and protect their legacy. History. Reference to Saraswat names are found in Shilaharas as well as Kadamba copper plate inscriptions.The inscriptions found in Goa bear testimony to the arrival of Brahmin families in the Konkan region. The classification of Brahmin, the Highest Varna on the basis of Region is debatable however the duties of a Brahmin are defined in the Vedas. Saraswat Brahmins, one of the five ancient Gowda Brahmins, the others being Kanyakubja, Maithili, Utkal and Gowda Brahmins, derived their name basically from the mythological river Saraswati that had flowed in the present Punjab and Rajasthan region, from the Himalayas to the western sea near Dwaraka in … Introduction / History. Kashmiri Pandits. Perhaps, she could think of assisting the Bharat Itihaas Samshodhak Mandal with his valued Papers. Throughout the course of history, the Saraswat Brahmins have migrated to a variety of locations and are found mostly in Western coast of India. Pai, Athma Anjali, "The Genetic History of the Saraswat Brahmins: Origins and Affinities With Indian Populations" (2007). Saraswat Brahmins. The name Saraswats is derived from River Saraswati. Anthropology Senior Theses.Paper 84. Some of the surnames have multiple spelling variants and are shared with other communities. Saraswat Brahmins are Brahmins who lived on the banks of the former Saraswati River that once flowed in northern India. The Saraswat Brahmins are a sub-group of Hindu Brahmins of India who trace their ancestry to the banks of the Saraswati River. The Vedas were passed down to the generations by the virtue of word of mouth, as written records didn’t exist at that time. Starting from the valleys of – Kashmir, the ancestors of the Bhanaps migrated to all parts of India. Brahmin communities in India are traditionally divided into two regional groups: Pancha-Gauda Brahmins and Pancha-Dravida Brahmins. GOUDA SARASWAT BRAHMINS (GSB) The Gouda Saraswat Brahmins are originally Rigvedic Brahmins belonging to the Aryan Race originally from middle Europe, migrated to India through the Khyber Pass & settled in Kashmir on the banks of River Saraswati, which flowed from the Himalayas. These Brahmins were one of the Pancha Gowda Brahmin groups who lived north of the Vindhyas. The Genetic History of the Saraswat Brahmins: Origins and Affinities With Indian Populations Disciplines Anthropology There are more than hundred Goud Saraswat Brahmin surnames. The history of the Chitrapur Saraswat Brahmins serves to demonstrate how their religious and cultural views developed into the present century. Saraswat Brahmins mastered the Vedas, and administered the priestly rites in the temples. History of Saraswat Brahmins – Profession, Business, Trade and Commerce. The Brahmins in India were divided into two major groups based on the geographical origin of the people. They belonged to Smarta tradition and primarily worshiped the five deities: Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Surya and Ganesha. Throughout the great history, the Saraswat Brahmins have migrated to a variety of locations and are found mostly in Western coast of India. According to the Sahyadrikhanda of the Skanda Purana, ninety-six Saraswat Brahmin families belonging to ten gotras migrated to Goa from the Saraswati river basin, along with Parashurama. Saraswat Brahmins, one of the five ancient Gowda Brahmins, derived their name basically from the mythological river Saraswati that had flowed in the present Punjab and Rajasthan region, from the Himalayas to the western sea near Dwaraka in Gujarat. Saraswats are considered among the oldest and most widespread community in India, still preserving their own culture. As presently the history of the Gaud Saraswat Brahmins in Goa–Maharashtra is rather illusive, perhaps his research-papers related to 1500 AD would be of much historical importance.