And Hollywood wasn’t the only industry with an addiction to pills. Even the people who live outside that mental realm seem affected by … The receptionist at work has a semi-regular speaking role on a sit-com, still has to work as a receptionist. WHAT IT'S REALLY LIKE TO WORK IN HOLLYWOOD: A TV/film writer's response to the NY Times Arts and Leisure front page story 03/01/2016 04:47 pm ET Updated Feb 27, 2017 I have worked in tv and film as a writer/producer for over thirty years and this I know to be true: everyone begins … But while Murphy made it clear he was not interested in making a biopic, the fantasy version of these real actors’ lives has ultimately done them a disservice. You can use their workouts and diet plans as a foundation, but don’t believe that it will transform you into a carbon copy of them. Read and share stories now! The big screen is a spell to give you the impression this is all talent. The food at the rich people grocery stores is better than just about anywhere else. Distinctly unglamorous. A story doesn’t always have to wrap up nicely to be a good Hollywood ending. Amphetamines actually increased in popularity after World War II due to its widespread use (and abuse) in the military. I really can't stress enough how important it is to not be a dickbag. Menu Our top stories Tom Hanks Is Tom Hanks the nicest celebrity around? There is big money to be made in every new movie release and studios are now pushing stars to their ultimate limit. But talent is a contract, a contract is awarded for a service of being an accomplice. Hollywood and MSM broadcasts are satanic rituals of lights and camera. Satanism/Hollywood/MSM are selling the idea that … What It’s Really Like to Work in Hollywood * (*If you’re not a straight white man.) Hollywood is well acted and glamorously shot. Having a Hollywood celebrity that motivates and inspires you to take action is great, as long as you accept the fact that will never look exactly like him or her. This is consent extraction. The associations this area of the country has with media icons creates a strange landscape of wannabes, name-droppers, and self-entitled dreamers. Hollywood wants you to see the industry as a magical place where dreams come true - the last thing they need is anyone finding out just how ruthless the industry really is. Want to know what celebrities are REALLY like? In Hollywood, Wong gets an opportunity to take a role that doesn’t play into stereotypes.