2021 Motorsport Marketing. In reply to wbjones: I mixed it in a bucket, spread it on with a paint brush, and put the wheels/tires in trash bags to sit over night. 1 gallon can WD-40 (2) large 30 gallon trash bags large box of Saran wrap "most yardage of saran wrap you can find "how to apply 1]with paint rollers apply generous amounts of WD-40 onto tire tread surface making sure the tread surface is completely soaked . does it need to sit (bagged) for a while (overnight) and how long do the effects last. Spritz a good bit of WD40 in there, put the tire in, and squish it around a bit. The origins of the use of tire sauce were probably first introduced in on-road and used on rubber and foam tires. Today, the mineral spirits found in products like ours are more refined and processed (see hydrogenation,hydrotreatinganddistillationtechniques) providing mixtures with varying boiling points, cleaning ability, and chemical composition. 1. Some sort of solvent "kicker" would probably help that. I'm just thinkin' out loud here. But that's a long-term process to get the WD-40 to fully absorb into the tires, I don't see what you'd gain by spraying them down before a Our penetrating oil, lubricant, cleaner and parts cleaner solvent is used by millions to protect against or remove rust. Also, The directions on my bottle of formulaV suggested applying 1 coating per day over the few days leading up to an event. This shows what the WD can do to your tire rubber.Dissolve some of it and definitely dissolve and remove the oils and waxes we put in your tires to make them last. When WD-40 dries, the surfaces left behind are clean and free of any previous lubrication. To answer your question, yes you can use the WD40 during the week on your tires instead of your hotlap2 if your trying to just keep the tires fresh and keep oils in them. Nothing shut ups a squeaky wheel/hinge/knob like a squirt of WD-40, and for that reason alone, the blue and yellow can should always be kept on hand.Actually, scratch that, one can definitely isn't going to cut it. 654 talking about this. MSDS information is for the workplace and not primarily intended for the general consumer. Read the real storybehindWD-40. Reply. The problem with WD-40 is that people think it is a lubricant. While WD-40can be used to help protect fishing equipment from rust and corrosion,WD-40Company does not recommend usingWD-40to attract fish. View FAQs on the official WD-40 website. If you look up the Saftey Data Sheets for these products you will soon find Read upon WD-40 facts and FAQs. And, if you really need the secret formula, you can find itwritten on a single notepadlocked in a vaultsomewhere in Californiaif you can get in. Stir the mixture for approximately 30 minutes. 1 gallon WD-40 1 gallon paint thinner This comes from a friend who sells a lot of Kart parts, as well as 'tire softener'. If you look up the Saftey Data Sheets for these products you will soon find One thing we must do is correct any misinformation that may be harmful to either our consumers or our good name. The catchall phrase Stoddard Solvent is no longer adequate to tell the proper story. TDK High Grip Tire Sauce 4oz. These are speed secrets that are relatively common knowledge at most clubs. Superlube's Secret Sauce By Patrick Di Justo 04.20.09 The recipe for this superlube has long been a closely guarded trade secretuntil now. While an idea may sound good on paper, it's a whole different ballgame when you take the plunge and actually do it. Meh, I priced it out. Face-baby-batter is free. As mentioned in our corporate and brand history, Norm Larsen, founder of Rocket Chemical Company, is considered the original founder ofWD-40. Any information that you may encounter alleging the disclosure of the secret sauce is inaccurate. I have used WD40 to very good effect. In general I sauce my tires 15-20 minutes prior to running the car. That made the bedliner nice and slick, but at least it smelled nice! So, keep using yourWD-40. Leave it overnight, and it should be softer. Not sure it matters but what if it was the magic ingredient? There are exceptions to everything in R/C, though, and it may either do nothing or melt the tires. I've heard of people leaving tires in a Ziploc bag with a spritz of WD-40, using it's qualities as a mild solvent like a tire softener. Sorry Charlie, it just aint so. I just did a few coats and let them sit overnight. Arlo Ultra V2 Wire-Free 4K Security Camera 4pk VMS5340-200AUS + VMC5040-200AUS low-odor mineral spirits, applied with a 4" wide foam roller. Myth:WD-40cures arthritis.Fact: This popular headline, appearing at least once a year in the tabloids, is completely FALSE. 1/3 acetone, 1/3 mineral spirits, 1/3 transmission fluid - This prep is for at the track application. Fact: Sorry folks, the over 60-year-old formulation of WD-40 Multi-Use Product remains a secret today. Maybe it's not as funny for those who don't know you personally, but the video of that scene playing in my head just made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself. If the proven product isn't that expensive why go all Mad Scientist on some tires? ET, HPD Offers Limited Run of Civic Type R TC and TCR Crate Engines, Video: On-Track Review of the Racelogic Performance Box Touch, Hagerty Joins Shift Up Now to Support Female Athletes in Motorsports. I've been using the 'real' stuff to keep some old slicks sticking: http://www.pegasusautoracing.com/productselection.asp?Product=3340. Here are some of our favorites I have a set of hoosiers I plan to use for the 2010 Challenge. My home-made BBQ recipe is now "Walter's Traction Sauce". One group of friends learned this rule fast and hard when they came up with the "great" solution to replace car oil with WD-40, something they heard was possible. Strap In: How to Properly Install a Racing Harness, The E-RWB Is a Wide-Bodied, Tesla-Powered 1977 Porsche 911, Help Wanted: Falken Tires Seeks Full-Time Videographer, Sebring Added To 2021 Mazda MX-5 Cup Schedule. WD-40 Brand. I often run MoGrip tire sauce but again check with the local track fast guys. EDIT: Could make for a GREAT GRM article that your "core" audience would enjoy. I'm with angry on the mineral spirits. So's a stolen jug of Mineral spirits. SKU: TDK1001. WD-40 is good for what it is intended for, as you correctly state, water (moisture) displacement. Boil the water and add all ingredients to the pot. I have no answer for this question but you just provided me the name I've been looking for. Some sort of solvent "kicker" would probably help that. Mineral Oil Seriously. Can I squeeze a couple more track days out of them with Formula V? Myth:WD-40Multi-Use Product should not be used on bike chains.Fact:WhileWD-40Multi-Use Product it is not a grease, it is formulated with strong lubricating oils and other ingredients, and is a terrific product to use for bike maintenance. I've used WD-40 on some old Hoosiers with pretty good sucess. Myth:WD-40Multi-Use Product is not really a lubricant.Fact:While the W-D inWD-40stands for Water Displacement,WD-40Multi-Use Product is a unique, special blend of lubricants. The disadvantage of WD40 is that it will make the tire a bit oily, so they will leave a trail in the driveway. Other options are WD40, Blue Liquid Wrench, etc. We believe this legend came from folks assuming that the product must contain fish oil since it appears to attract fish. Just be aware of that. Electric Off-Road - Your favorite Tire Sauce recipe - Looking for a good homemade tire sauce. Specifically, the listing of incorrect and poorly defined ingredients and safety information. RE: WD 40 on foam tires ? You call $40 a gallon not all that expensive? Blue Banner Pickles, Chutney & Relish Rosella Soup Rosella Pickles, Chutney & Relish Rosella Tomato/BBQ Sauce Rosella Crushed Garlic Sunraysia Natural Beverage Co Sunraysia some products certified organic Juice & Fruit Drinks Our track is damp, red clay. Myth:WD-40contains Stoddard Solvent.Fact:Over the past few decades, the name Stoddard Solvent was synonymous with all mineral spirits. i used some adhesive that used toulene as the solvent to hold down a roof membrane and it disolved the plastic cup i was using to scoop it out of the bucket. Outlaw Unlimited and 2 Cycle also. For long-term lubrication and other specialized bicycle maintenance needs, check out WD-40 BIKE. A guy that I worked with used to work for a major tire manufacturer. Is Bigger Always Better When It Comes to Wheel and Tire Packages? A. adv. This thread is relevant to my interests, I recently picked up a set of used R6s at the track fo' free. They have a lot of tread left, but are probably due for replacement due to their age. Autocross, Hill Climbs and More | Talking With SCCAs Heyward Wagner Live Wednesday, February 10 at 9 p.m. For that reason, WD-40 is very efficient at removing it from all kinds of surfaces. Often, the 100 plants helps make up for the fact that blight often affects yield. Hard to call him on that. I would mix them 50/50 if your gonna mix them. One definite DO NOT DO is use WD-40 on your tires. I know it works on R/C car tireswhich are also made of rubber. I have looked at VHT and a few others for the magic sauce that makes them softer, but was wondering if anyone had a home brew recipe. Im talking about tire sauce. I assume I can't drive the tires to the event (figure 100 - 150 mi) and still gain any benefit ..? Any information that you may encounter alleging the disclosure of the secret sauce is inaccurate. It does not attract dirt or moisture to metal surfaces just be sure to wipe off any excessWD-40Multi-Use Product before riding. Perhaps most relevant of all these are skis and snowboards. Apply mixture to tires using rag or a paint roller. e93H6DNsRyEjNMxjq4g2GXe2HVwnASCbmH39fiS2svBafDp7YNteBIZBMCRzK74D. We can ( the term for bottling, go figure) sauce, whole tomatoes, pasta sauce ( with onion, garlic, peppers, etc) barbQ sauce, and even ketchup. just clean them with "goop" hand cleaner, slather on a good amount, (the stuff - lotion and pumice) let it sit for a bit, then wipe it off and your tires Duct Tape &WD-40: You often hear it said, You only need two things in life: Duct Tape andWD-40. You can find a list of over 2,000 uses from our loyal users here. They are about 1.5 years old. do not let tread surface touch the concrete or pavement Spoon full of oil. WD-40 was invented for use in the aerospace industry and took 40 attempts to perfect starting in 1953.. WD-40 stands for Water Displacement, 40th formula. High Grip Tire Sauce is an aggressive sauce that facilitates break-in, provides tremendous grip and is made right here in the USA! I think it ended up costing me about $10 for close to a gallon, which I spilled the bucket that contained what was left over all over the bed of my truck the next day. Myth: Our secret formula isn't such a secret. WD-40does indeed have 50% mineral spirits, but they are refined and purified for specific characteristics needed to meet todays performance, regulatory and safety requirements.